My first time in Central America was also the first time I traveled alone. I made my way through “the most dangerous country in the world,” successfully crossed chaotic borders, survived stomach bugs I swore were out to kill me, and found myself in more than one not so favorable situation.
Nevertheless, traveling and the road were a whole new home to me. Full of foreign countries and foreign languages, I felt right at home. The uncomfortable became the comfortable. I was in love with it all.
There was a time in life where I felt the ONLY way to learn was through travel. I advocated hitting the road to everyone I knew. And while I still believe embarking on a journey into the unknown is one of the best ways to learn about oneself, it’s clear to me now more than ever, that the lesson is in the moment we are in. The now. And that moment can be anywhere.
Which leads me to say, while I was flying from this to place to that place, was when I discovered my absolute love for documenting people. I never got excited over a picture of a waterfall. But my whole soul would light up when the moment to capture someone being vulnerable and real presented itself.
Here are just a few of my favorite moments from those trips down south.